Why You Should Be Using A Field Service Management Platform!
As we adapt to a more digital world, common practices come and go, new technology quickly outdates the one before it and the needs of the businesses change. One thing that this […]
As we adapt to a more digital world, common practices come and go, new technology quickly outdates the one before it and the needs of the businesses change. One thing that this […]
As the autumn days get colder and shorter, the heat is still on at Okappy HQ. We were quoted in Premises and Facilities Management magazine and the Facilities Management Journal. […]
The pandemic was a tricky time for everyone. The world as we knew it got flipped on its head and our day to day lives looked very different. Remote working and working […]
Summer’s in full swing! A lot of our connections are taking the opportunity to get away. But while you relax, we continue to work hard at Okappy HQ.
Our CEO, Richard was interviewed […]
It’s July, and we’ve seen some very hot days!
It’s not just the weather that’s hotting up, we’re also working hard on our platform, making it easier for you to connect to customers […]
Bargain hunting is a fact of life these days, so it isn’t surprising that businesses everywhere have applied the principle to their hunt for software. And it’s fair to say that there […]
It’s the last day of June and those summer holidays are getting closer!
As the days are hotting up, so is our development. We’ve been working on security and performance enhancements along with […]
It’s the end of May and the weather’s getting warmer 😉
But there’s been no rest for the Okappy team this month. Development continues apace. Read on below for the latest updates. And […]
Job management for housing associations frequently involves communicating between a number of different stakeholders, such as the management committee, housing officers, finance departments, maintenance officers and various subcontractors. The hierarchical and complex […]
2020 was a tipping point for industries worldwide. As the country went into national lockdown in March, the UK government called for everyone to work from home where they could. Then, as […]
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