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Change page layout and reports

Hi Guys

I have 2 queries I was hoping you could help me with.

I have added in a new column titled General Product using the change page layout option but cannot see this when I try and add a new job. Please could you help with this?

Also I have been looking into extracting reports from our archived jobs. When I export to excel it gives me some of the information I have inputted for the job but not all of it. Is there a way of adding this additional info in? I am specifically looking to add in postcodes to these reports.

Thanks Mex

Hi Mex

In order for the field to show when adding a job, you will need to ensure its included on the relevant job template.

Information on how to do that is available here -

Specifically you will need to ensure you have a field which has field type column 2 which is the one you used for General Product.

With regards to the reports. Which report are you using? It's probably best to use the All jobs report and then once its downloaded, filter on job status.

