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Cannot assignt o subconctractors
Quote from Guest on 24 February 2017, 9:00 am
I am trying to set up a new subcontractor. I am using a dummy email address at the moment until I get all my jobs loaded and allocated. Because they haven't connected to the platform I am unable to allocate them a job
I am trying to set up a new subcontractor. I am using a dummy email address at the moment until I get all my jobs loaded and allocated. Because they haven't connected to the platform I am unable to allocate them a job
Quote from
Gerry on 24 February 2017, 9:00 am
Yes, in order for you to assign jobs to a subcontractor they need to have accepted your invite. Otherwise there's a risk that the job would be missed.
Yes, in order for you to assign jobs to a subcontractor they need to have accepted your invite. Otherwise there's a risk that the job would be missed.