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Batch uploading jobs
Quote from Guest on 28 June 2019, 7:47 am
Looking at the template there’s fields I dont need. Is it ok to change and adapt these or will it screw the formula if I do that?
Looking at the template there’s fields I dont need. Is it ok to change and adapt these or will it screw the formula if I do that?
Quote from
Gerry on 28 June 2019, 7:48 am
The RequiredBy field is mandatory, you should be ok to leave the others. If there is no data or the system cannot map what you’ve entered, the system will use default fields i.e., if you add a customer that is not recognised then the customer will default to you.
For more information see support: Uploading multiple jobs into Okappy
The RequiredBy field is mandatory, you should be ok to leave the others. If there is no data or the system cannot map what you’ve entered, the system will use default fields i.e., if you add a customer that is not recognised then the customer will default to you.
For more information see support: Uploading multiple jobs into Okappy