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Completed jobs not showing on web page

We have had some of our engineers over last couple of months saying they have completed a job however its not shown on web page our end that it is completed.

I have watched them complete a job on phone and seen it not appear on webpage even when refreshed. I am paying wages today and a job that was completed on 24 march doesn't show on my report for jobs completed including archiving. Jn is marked as no status and is not on contractors jobs to do list.

Can you please advise?

Kind Regards,


Hi Jay

If the mobile doesn't have a good signal, or if its closed before it's had a chance to send the updates then you won't see the change on your web page.

Please ensure your engineers have a good signal and keep the app open long enough for the updates to get sent. For more information and troubleshooting, please see this support article

