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Details of work done pop up box


Is it possible for this box to be larger so that all the information can be seen at a glance rather than scrolling at all  ?

I would especially  like to add the date of work above ‘arrival’.

Kind regards


Hi Tom

You get to the work done pop up box in a number of different ways.

  1. Click the ID of the job to open the details including work done in full screen
  2. Click the three dots next to the relevant job and then View work done
  3. Click the green tick under the completed jobs column.

(See screenshot below)

Option 1 is the best option if you want to see all the information at a glance, especially if you have a lot of job details or work done details.

View work done

With regards to the time and date that the work done was added. Again if you click into the job from the Job ID, then you can see the completed date with the work done details.

We are also going to move the date to the header of the pop up box to make it easier to see, especially if you have a lot of work done details.

Hope that helps
