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Different packages

Hi, do you do different packages? All we really need is the Job sheets / management section as we do all of our invoicing on Sage.

Hi Will

We don't offer different packages as such, we prefer to keep our pricing simple, easy and transparent.  You can turn different features on or off for both you and your employees - see this post about tailoring Okappy



How much would it be for just that package?

Hi Will

Details of our pricing can be found on our pricing page.

We charge per user per month.  We ask for 3 months initial commitment and after that it's a rolling one month contract with no long term commitment.



What does Okappy offer that the other Job Management softwares do not?

I have found various applications for considerably cheaper

Hi Will

There's two things where we really stand out:

Firstly, we strive to ensure our platform is really simple and easy to use.  All the complicated technical stuff is done behind the scenes so you don't waste time (and money) trying to get up to speed with a new system.

Second, Okappy is unique in that it works both internally and externally.  You can build your network on Okappy and manage both your employees and your subcontractors whilst providing real-time updates and the best service to your customers.

