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Email change
Quote from Guest on 15 March 2018, 11:01 am
I can see that we can change the email address in connections ourselves now, which is great. However, I tried to add a new contact to the customer ‘Hallmark’ and it said that the email address was already on Okappy and I don’t know where. Is there a quick way of finding out?
I can see that we can change the email address in connections ourselves now, which is great. However, I tried to add a new contact to the customer ‘Hallmark’ and it said that the email address was already on Okappy and I don’t know where. Is there a quick way of finding out?
Quote from
Richard on 15 March 2018, 11:02 am
Hi Helen
The easiest way to check is first look in the global search, as that will look through all your connections. if that doesn’t find anything then click new company at the bottom of the connections screen and enter the email there. That will show any other companies on the system which you can then connect to.
Hi Helen
The easiest way to check is first look in the global search, as that will look through all your connections. if that doesn’t find anything then click new company at the bottom of the connections screen and enter the email there. That will show any other companies on the system which you can then connect to.