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Email job sheets from the phone


It would help me out enormously with running my business if I were able to have the option to email the okappy job sheet from my phone to the customer. Is that ever going to be possible. I run through the phone and can’t always share a Job sheet with a customer from a computer till I am in front of one.


Hi Tom

The option to send an email from the phone is in our pipeline but there’s quite a lot of other things ahead of it so i’m afraid its unlikely to be any time soon.  If you an iPad, you could use that as it has the option within the app to view your jobs in Safari in which case you would then have the same functionality as on the web.

Have you thought about using the power of the network to actually reduce the need to send job sheets, email etc in the first place.  A lot of customers are now letting their own customers view their job sheets through Okappy which saves everyone a lot of time.

