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how often should the app update its location on the web app?

how often should the app update its location on the web app?


There’s various options that determine when a location is sent.

You can change the timing and frequency from within the app (click on the okappy icon, more and then tracking settings).
You can turn tracking off and have it sent only when the job is updated, or you can turn tracking off altogether.

Unfortunately our app can only request that a location is sent.  The operating system still has the final say.  Some reasons why a location may not be sent, even though you’ve turned tracking on from within the app include

  • You have not allowed the app to have access to locations,
  • there isn’t a location because GPS/WiFi is not available
  • poor or no network connectivity (specifically data)
  • the phone doesn’t think it has moved, or
  • mobile data is switched off, roaming is off and Low Data Mode is on
  • the battery is low and the operating system is trying to conserve energy.

For more information see
