Quote from Guest on 16 January 2020, 9:52 am
quite important issue is with the layout of the invoice
We have address it in the past, but now, when we had a couple of clients complaining, we need to address it again.
There is no space on the invoice template for the main description of the job.
So for example on the invoice 254 the first charge is in line with the job description (which needs to be at the top of the invoice), £ 75 per unit should be in line with the bottom of that row when it says "DESIGN AND LAYOUT"
It would be ideal if we could have first row left blank - without unit quantity, price or vat
so we could use it for the job description. Every invoice requires job description.
Under the description would be the rows for the chargeable elements of the job - please see my 6th, last attachment - could it look like this? It would help us and our clients to avoid confusion
Thank you in advance
best wishes
quite important issue is with the layout of the invoice
We have address it in the past, but now, when we had a couple of clients complaining, we need to address it again.
There is no space on the invoice template for the main description of the job.
So for example on the invoice 254 the first charge is in line with the job description (which needs to be at the top of the invoice), £ 75 per unit should be in line with the bottom of that row when it says "DESIGN AND LAYOUT"
It would be ideal if we could have first row left blank - without unit quantity, price or vat
so we could use it for the job description. Every invoice requires job description.
Under the description would be the rows for the chargeable elements of the job - please see my 6th, last attachment - could it look like this? It would help us and our clients to avoid confusion
Thank you in advance
best wishes