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Job upload dates
Quote from Guest on 29 October 2021, 11:20 am
When I upload jobs with the "requiredby" information it always reg the hour as 00:00 and I could not find a way around it yet
When I upload jobs with the "requiredby" information it always reg the hour as 00:00 and I could not find a way around it yet
Quote from Guest on 29 October 2021, 11:21 am
I have found a way around the hours when uploading in bulk, in the requiredby field, you have to type the date in the format "29/10/2021 09:00" for 9am let's say and then format the cells to Custom field with and type the following format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
I have found a way around the hours when uploading in bulk, in the requiredby field, you have to type the date in the format "29/10/2021 09:00" for 9am let's say and then format the cells to Custom field with and type the following format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
Quote from
Richard on 29 October 2021, 11:22 am
Hi Lippi, yes that is correct.
More information about uploading job sheets including what to put in each column is available on our help and support site - https://www.okappy.com/support-article/uploading-multiple-jobs/
Hi Lippi, yes that is correct.
More information about uploading job sheets including what to put in each column is available on our help and support site - https://www.okappy.com/support-article/uploading-multiple-jobs/