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Jobs appear to be getting archived for no reason

We have some jobs which were archived but we did not archive these jobs and we don't know how this happens on its own.

We had this poblem on a few occassions last year, we don't want it to continue to happen.



Hi Sam, do you have automatic archiving of jobs set to on, if so they will archive automatically when you raise an invoice?

No we don't have it switched on, i've sent you a couple of job ids separately.

Hi Sam, thanks for sending me the job ids. I can see they were archived by Peter in December. You can see this yourself by clicking the three dots next to the job and then clicking change log.

If you're worried about jobs being archived in error, you can get the system to check for confirmation first before archiving (or deleting) jobs. To turn that on or off,

  • go to settings by clicking your profile icon towards the top right of the screen.
  • choose company settings
  • select Confirmation settings

Check the box next to each relevant option.

