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Jobs for a date

Is there a quick way to go into the following weeks diary apart from the arrows at the top of the page. I have tried typing the date in but that doesn't work?



You can view and navigate to different weeks from the calendar view.  We don’t have a way to go to specific dates on the main jobs view although you could type a date such as 27/03 in the filter which will quickly show you all the jobs on that day


Hi Lauren

Typing the date in to the filter this does not work for me please can you advise,


Hi Kim

When you say the filter does not work, what do you mean?

Here's a video showing how it works

short video - showing jobs by date

Another thing some customers do is type in week1-ref in the reference field (or another field) then you can use the filter to pull up everything for week1 week2 etc.


Hi Laura

When i type the date into the filter on the video nothing comes up.


Thanks for the screenshot, that really helps.

I can see you’ve already got the Jobs for today filter on so searching for another day within that view won’t show anything.  If you use All open jobs or Outstanding jobs then add your date filter, that will show you the jobs on the date.



Selecting different filters

Lauren thank you so much it works now. This is going to save me so much time.

Many thanks