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Lag on clicks and actions
Quote from Guest on 13 June 2019, 1:23 pm
There is a noticeable lag developing on clicks and actions occurring. It happens on different machines and string internet speeds (250mbps) so assume that it is maybe a lag at the cloud end?
There is a noticeable lag developing on clicks and actions occurring. It happens on different machines and string internet speeds (250mbps) so assume that it is maybe a lag at the cloud end?
Quote from
Gerry on 13 June 2019, 1:23 pm
Hi Tom
If there’s a lag on clicks and actions and you have good internet speeds then it could be to do with the speed of your computer. Try closing other tabs on your browser or closing other applications. If they’re using a lot of memory or using the CPU then this could result in a lag.
Hi Tom
If there’s a lag on clicks and actions and you have good internet speeds then it could be to do with the speed of your computer. Try closing other tabs on your browser or closing other applications. If they’re using a lot of memory or using the CPU then this could result in a lag.