Quote from
Gerry on 18 May 2020, 7:07 am
Morning Siobhan
You can still raise invoices quickly from within Okappy which will either mark the job as invoiced or archive it depending on which settings you choose (see screenshots below).
It's up to you whether you send the invoice from Okappy or from your own accounting system. If you don’t want to use the invoices you’ve raised in Okappy that is fine. But depending on which accounting system you use, you can also export your Okappy invoice to it which saves you raising them twice.
Morning Siobhan
You can still raise invoices quickly from within Okappy which will either mark the job as invoiced or archive it depending on which settings you choose (see screenshots below).
It's up to you whether you send the invoice from Okappy or from your own accounting system. If you don’t want to use the invoices you’ve raised in Okappy that is fine. But depending on which accounting system you use, you can also export your Okappy invoice to it which saves you raising them twice.