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Paying for subcontractors
Quote from Guest on 15 July 2019, 5:44 pm
If I dont have any employees and am using this to sub contract does that mean I have to pay for every person I get on my sub contract list?
If I dont have any employees and am using this to sub contract does that mean I have to pay for every person I get on my sub contract list?
No, with Okappy's unique network, you can invite or connect to your customers and subcontractors at no cost. Subcontractors are not included as employees for subscription purposes.
More information about our pricing is available on our pricing page.
No, with Okappy's unique network, you can invite or connect to your customers and subcontractors at no cost. Subcontractors are not included as employees for subscription purposes.
More information about our pricing is available on our pricing page.