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Reporting on calls per customer


I need to get a report showing the number of calls we've done for our customers as we bill them accordingly.  How can I do this?



Hi John

The easiest way to do it is to run the All jobs report from within Okappy and then click the Export to Google Sheets button.

From within Google Sheets, create a new sheet and the click CTRL V (or CMD V on a mac). This should insert a formula which was generated in Okappy in to the first cell.  Google Sheets will then pull back your list of calls. You can then use the Google Sheets Pivot function by clicking Data and Pivot table. To show customers in one column number of calls in the next by Adding Customer in the rows section and count of ID in the value section.

You could also create a pivot table showing the month, customer and number of calls.  To do that, create a pivot table with the date (start date, finish date or completed date) in the rows section, customer in the columns section and count of ID in the value section (see below)

Once the pivot table has been created, right click in a cell containing a date. Then select Create pivot date group and then choose by month or other format.

Google Sheet Pivot Table Calls Per Customer Per Month


You can do this in Excel as well, but with Google it will update periodically so you could have it updating to show new calls added.

For more information about creating dynamic google sheets dashboard, check out our Google Sheets Blog Series.

Thank you
