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reverse an archived job

I have archived a job accidentally and ned to reverse this

There's 2 ways you can unarchive a job.

If you know the job id, reference or some other details, you can find the job in the global search.   Click into the job and then change the status to unarchived as shown in the screenshot below.

Change status to unarchived

If you can't remember the job details, you can unarchive your job with the following steps:

  1. Go to Reports
  2. Click Jobs
  3. Click Archived jobs (see screenshot below).
  4. Select your date.

    Note: The date is the date the job was originally added so you might need to choose a longer period to ensure you find the job.

  5. Once you've found the job, click Unarchive. (see final screenshot)

Archived jobs report

Unarchive jobs from the archived jobs report


