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Sending an invoice from a job

I need to send an invoice and the red dot is still flashing below the tick so it won't let me how do I change the red dot to a tic



The job needs to be in completed status (and for a customer) before an invoice can be raised.  If you're engineer hasn't, or can't complete the job. You can go into the dashboard and complete the job for them.

To complete the job from the job dashboard and raise an invoice

  1. Click the job id or three dots and then View/edit job
  2. From within the job, if no work done has been added, first select Work done status
  3. Then add the details of the work done
  4. Once work done has been added, change the status to Completed
  5. Click the Update job button at the bottom of the screen
  6. Go back to the jobs dashboard
  7. You can now click on the three dots and then Raise invoice

Check out our short video for more information how to update your jobs.