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Viewing active and inactive clients
Quote from Guest on 1 June 2022, 1:56 pm
Is there a way of a report pulling up how many active clients we have got as we have got a lot of open clients and will like to know if they are a way of batch retrieving them.
Kindly advice
Is there a way of a report pulling up how many active clients we have got as we have got a lot of open clients and will like to know if they are a way of batch retrieving them.
Kindly advice
Quote from
Joe on 1 June 2022, 1:58 pm
Hi Ed
Check out this article which shows how to run a report or create a dashboard showing Jobs per customer. With this you can see which of your clients were the most active (who did the most jobs).
If you want do the opposite to see inactive customers, see this support article - Inactive customers
Hi Ed
Check out this article which shows how to run a report or create a dashboard showing Jobs per customer. With this you can see which of your clients were the most active (who did the most jobs).
If you want do the opposite to see inactive customers, see this support article - Inactive customers