We are pleased to announce the launch of Okappy market network. It combines the benefits of a market place such as Uber, a social network such as Linkedin and cloud based job management software in order to fix the problem of broken communication within and between companies.
The Okappy platform provides a number of features designed to improve communication for companies with field service workers. Companies can connect to each other, send and receive jobs and share the status of those in real-time as they are updated by the engineer out in the field.
The platform helps companies eradicate paperwork, reduce duplication and end disputes over invoices. With Okappy you can immediately see what was done for each job and raise an invoice as soon as the job is complete.
So, meet the dream team:

Richard Harris
I left a job in the city, having always wanted to set up and run my own company. After a number of iterations we launched our Okappy market network in July 2015.
I have always enjoyed work and believe in the power of business to make change in the world. However, all too often you see people stressed, working long hours and snowed under with paperwork. I want to change that, improve communications within and between companies and help business grow, prosper and be ‘kappy.

Gerry So
I joined in April 2015 after having worked for 10 years in Finance for a large American Investment Bank, and prior to that in Audit.
I am a strong believer in working smarter rather than harder and feels that having the right tools, having the right processes and above all having an “Okappy” environment in which to work ensures a successful working life.
I am very excited and am looking forward to what’s ahead of the company, from finding and meeting new propects, promoting our company to raising funds. It will be a bumpy journey but will be an Okappy one!

Giacomo Patella
I am the visual dude at Okappy and I’m notorious for my minimal team member descriptions.

I joined in August 2015 having been borne and raised in the planes of Africa. Although some people think I’m a type of Zebra, I’m actually a giraffid artiodactyl mammal and am therefore most closely related to the giraffe. I enjoy roaming around outside and hate paperwork. My hooves are not so good for writing!! I am very excited to be the mascot for Okappy and look forward to bringing a smile to your face.