A Day of Engagement, Insight, and Success at StoneX Stadium

It was a lovely bright day over the StoneX stadium in North London where we had the pleasure of exhibiting at the Water Jetting Association (WJA) Trade Show 2024.

The event was an excellent opportunity for us to showcase Okappy’s capabilities, connect with industry leaders, and gain valuable insights from the drainage and water jetting sector. The day was not only successful but also enriching, with numerous highlights that will drive our future engagements in the industry.

A Day of Building Connections

A busy day at the Water Jetting Association Trade Show September 2024

The WJA Trade Show was a hub of activity, and we were excited to meet a wide range of companies and professionals throughout the day. Our booth was bustling with activity as attendees stopped by to learn more about how Okappy is transforming field service management.

We had the chance to engage with many of our existing customers, deepening our relationships and discussing how they could leverage our platform further. Additionally, we were able to introduce Okappy to new contacts, sparking interest and initiating discussions that we believe will lead to fruitful collaborations.

One of the most rewarding aspects of the day was receiving feedback directly from industry professionals. Our conversations covered a wide range of topics, from the practical benefits of digital transformation to the specific needs and challenges faced by companies in the water jetting sector.

These insights are invaluable as they help us refine our platform to better serve the industry.

Strengthening Our Relationship with the Water Jetting Association

Okappy dream team

We were particularly pleased with the opportunity to further strengthen our relationship with the Water Jetting Association.

As a key player in the industry, the WJA’s endorsement and collaboration are critical to our mission of driving digital innovation within the sector. Throughout the event, we engaged in meaningful discussions with WJA representatives, exploring new ways to collaborate and support their initiatives.

This partnership is something we value highly, and we look forward to working closely with the WJA in the months and years to come” said Richard Harris, Director of Okappy.

Digital Transformation Presentation

Digital Transformation in the Water Jetting Industry

A highlight of our day was our CEO, Richard’s presentation on the benefits of digital transformation in the drainage and water jetting industry.

Held towards the end of the day, the presentation attracted a significant audience and spurred lively discussions among attendees.

Richard outlined how digital tools like Okappy can revolutionise business operations by improving efficiency, enhancing communication and collaboration, and enabling data-driven decision-making. His talk also addressed key concerns around safety, compliance, and customer satisfaction, showing how Okappy’s platform can help businesses excel in these areas.

The presentation showcased Okappy as a leader in digital transformation whilst also reinforcing our commitment to helping businesses in the industry achieve their goals.

Check out the complete presentation: Digital transformation in the drainage industry.

Our Booth: A Hub of Activity

The Okappy stand is ready for Water Jetting Association Trade Show 2024

Our booth at the trade show was designed to reflect Okappy’s ethos of rethinking day-to-day work management.

Set against a vibrant backdrop, our stand featured key information about our platform, alongside engaging displays that caught the eye of passersby. From early in the day, we welcomed a steady stream of visitors, including industry veterans, new entrants, and curious professionals looking to learn more about how Okappy could benefit their operations.

Discussing the benefits of Okappy at the Water Jetting Association Trade Show September 2024

Our Okappi’s were on hand to monitor proceedings and demonstrate Okappy’s features which can  simplify complex workflows, improve communication, and enhance overall efficiency.

The hands-on demonstrations were particularly popular, with attendees keen to see the software in action and ask detailed questions about its capabilities.

Capturing Feedback and Insights

One of the most valuable aspects of attending the trade show was the chance to gather direct feedback from the industry. As we demonstrated Okappy’s features and discussed the challenges that businesses face, we received a wealth of insights that will be instrumental in guiding our future development efforts.

Attendees shared their thoughts on what they liked about the platform, as well as areas where they would appreciate further enhancements.

For instance, there was significant interest in the potential for deeper integration with other industry-specific tools and platforms, which would enable even more seamless workflows. We also heard requests for additional reporting capabilities and features that could help companies better manage compliance and safety requirements.

These insights are incredibly valuable to us, and we are committed to incorporating them into our ongoing product development to ensure that Okappy continues to meet and exceed the needs of the industry.

The Venue: StoneX Stadium

Blue skies over StoneX at the Water Jetting Association Trade Show September 2024

The choice of StoneX Stadium as the venue for the WJA Trade Show added a special touch to the event. The stadium’s modern facilities and spacious layout provided the perfect setting for exhibitors and attendees to interact comfortably. The weather on the day was glorious, with clear blue skies that made the outdoor exhibits all the more enjoyable. The venue also allowed for a seamless flow of activities, with plenty of space for presentations, demonstrations, and networking.

Outside at the Water Jetting Association Trade Show September 2024

Despite a brief change in weather later in the day, with a surprising hailstorm catching some of us off guard, the event continued smoothly, with everyone taking the unpredictable British weather in stride.

Hailstones at StoneX during the Water Jetting Association Trade Show 2024

The mixture of indoor and outdoor exhibits meant that there was always something to see and do, regardless of the weather outside.

Wrapping Up a Successful Day

End of a busy day exhibiting at the Water Jetting Association Trade Show

As the day drew to a close, we reflected on the many successes of the event. The WJA Trade Show was not only an excellent opportunity for us to showcase Okappy and its benefits but also a chance to connect with the industry on a deeper level.

The feedback we received, the connections we made, and the partnerships we strengthened will all play a crucial role in shaping our strategy moving forward.

Thats a wrap at the Water Jetting Association Trade Show Spetember 2024

We left the event with a renewed sense of purpose and excitement about the future.

The insights and experiences we gained will undoubtedly inform our next steps as we continue to innovate and deliver solutions that meet the evolving needs of the drainage and water jetting industry.

Looking Ahead

The momentum from the trade show has energised our team as we look to the future. We are more committed than ever to supporting our customers and the industry through innovative solutions that address the unique challenges they face.

Our immediate focus will be on incorporating the feedback we received into our product development process, ensuring that our platform continues to deliver maximum value to our users.

We want to extend our thanks to everyone who visited our stand and took the time to engage with us at the trade show. Your support and feedback are what drive us to keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. We look forward to continuing the conversations we started at the event and to welcoming new customers to the Okappy community.

Thank you once again to the WJA for organising such a fantastic event and to all the attendees who made it a day to remember.

We’ll see you at the next one!

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